Time: The first
thing that comes to mind when trying to figure out what you’re paying for is
time. Most people just think about the actual session time, but I put much more
time in preparing and planning your session before-hand, as well as time spent
processing your images after the session, and ensuring quality delivery to you.
Here is a detailed breakdown of how my time is spent on your session:
- Setup, location preparation/planning, e-mailing/phone calls, etc. – 2 to 3 hours
- Travel to your session location – 30 minutes to 1 hour
- Actual session time with you taking photos – 1 to 2 hours
- Travel from your session location – 30 minutes to 1 hour
- Loading your images onto my computer – 30 minutes
- Backing up your images on an external drive – 30 minutes
- Processing your images so they look their absolute best, including cropping, contrast, color, sharpening, and backing up edited images. – 2 to 4 hours
- Packaging your images – 1 hour
- Shipping your images to you – 1 hour
Expertise: Shooting professional photography is a skill acquired through years of experience. Even though a DSLR camera now costs under $1,000, taking professional portraits involves much more than a nice camera [1].
Most personal photographers take years to go from buying
their first camera to making money with photography. In addition to learning
how to use the camera, there is a mountain of other equipment and software
programs used to edit images and run a website, plus props, rent, utilities, etc
Putting it in to
perspective: Professional, personal photographers are just
that—professionals. We’re no different than a mechanic, dentist, doctor, or
electrician. But a personal photographer often becomes a friend, someone who
documents a family for generations with professional, personal photographs of
cherished memories [3].
Look at it this way: A pair of scissors costs $1.50 at the
drugstore. Still, most people will gladly pay a lot more to hire a professional
hairdresser to cut their hair [4].
The added attention and quality that a personal photographer
gives is worth every penny
Reference [1-4] – Caught on Film Photography